Why I’m a Wolf Gal
I grew up dreaming about wolves. Whenever they appeared, they acted as messengers, showing me which direction to take or offering advice of some kind. When I became an adult, I understood it was my turn to help wolves. Though the science couldn’t be clearer; wolves, as a keystone species, play a vital and necessary role in healthy ecosystems, they continue to be misunderstood and unjustly targeted and persecuted.
As Board President of the Wolf Conservation Center I aim to right these wrongs. Located just an hour north of New York City, the WCC is a not-for-profit environmental education organization that works to protect and preserve wolves in North America through science-based education, advocacy, and as participants in the federal recovery and release programs for two critically endangered wolf species.
If you’re traveling to NYC or live in the area, I hope you’ll visit us, but in the meantime, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram or visit our website to watch our live wolf webcams, learn more about what we do and how you can personally help save wolves.